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General Information There are many ways to install random packing. Installation procedures vary depending on the column diameter, size of packing, packed bed height, and position of other internals. For small diameter columns of less than 30 inches, it is usually easier to load through lower level manways or use a chute to lower the packing to the support level. For larger columns, it may be possible to place men inside so that complete boxes or bags can be lowered and manually dumped. Extreme caution should be used in this procedure to make sure that the packing support is designed to hold the combined load of the workman and the packing. Another method is to attach a rope on the top of a bucket and another on the bottom and lower the packing to the desired level. The rope attached to the bottom would then be used to tip the bucket over. Finish all welding or other work that produces hot sparks before installing any packing. Test the dimensional compatibility of the individual packing pieces with the openings in the support grid. Make sure that it is not possible for packing to squeeze through any openings

Installation Procedures
  • Distribute packing pieces in a random manner and never let them freefall more than four (4) feet. In cold weather (temperature below 45ยบ F) particular care must be taken in handling and installing plastic packing since the ductility of the plastic resin will be greatly reduced.
  • Make sure the packing fills all the space in the packed bed section. Pay particular attention to the man way and irregular spaces.
  • Check the position of sensors when they become buried in packing. Be careful not to drop packing on sensitive process measurement devices.
  • If workmen are in the tower, use plywood to distribute their load over as large an area as possible. Never exert a concentrated load onto a few of the individual packing pieces. Check with the packing support manufacturer for loading limits before placing men inside the tower.
  • Before completing the packing installation, consult the installation procedures of the bed limiter, liquid distributor, and other internal components to see if partial installation of these parts is required before packing installation is completed.
  • Be careful not to leave any foreign materials in the packed bed Section. Make sure all plywood; boxes, and bags are removed.

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